Saturday, September 29, 2012

Erlinder charges WMCL with discrimination based on disability


Professor Peter Erlinder has filed a charge of discrimination with the EEOC against William Mitchell College of Law.

A copy of the charge was mailed anonymously to Minnesota Lawyer, with no note or cover letter.

Erlinder claimed discrimination based on disability and retaliation because he has post-traumatic stress disorder. His PTSD stems from his imprisonment in Rwanda in 2010 and subsequent death threats from  Rwanda’s President Kagame.  He is undergoing treatment and has medication.

He alleged that William Mitchell has been a hostile work environment since he returned from Rwanda.

He stated that he suffered a PTSD episode on Jan. 3, 2012  and that on Jan. 12 Dean Eric Janus ordered him off the campus.  On Jan. 13 he was escorted off the campus by an armed guard, he said.

Janus told Minnesota Lawyer that the school takes its obligations under the ADA “very very seriously and “vigorously denies the allegations of hostile work environment or retaliation.” He said he could not further discuss personnel or employee’s medical matters, but that the school has conducted its own investigation.


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