Thursday, July 3, 2014

Kesha Covers Teen Vogue, opens up about Her Eating Disorder and Rehab

Kesha graces the cover of Teen Vogue magazine and opens up about her eating disorder and her stint in rehab. The pop music star and ‘Rising Star’ judge is candid on the topic in her first in-depth post-rehab interview.

Originally using the stage name Ke$ha, she rose to fame with ‘Tik Tok’ an international smash hit that became ubiquitous for a time and spawned a number of parodies and spoofs. With a string of successive hits as a reality television show, Kesha’s career was soaring. But earlier this year, she stunned fans with her announcement earlier this year that she was going into rehab for an eating disorder.

She spent two months at Timberline Knolls, the same Chicago area rehabilitation facility that Demi Lovato entered in 2010. Upon returning to public life two months later, Ke$sha also returned to her given name, Kesha Rose, as her Twitter handle and Kesha as her stage name.

And her eating disorder and the stint in rehab were the very topics that the 27-year-old pop music star was all too willing to address in her interview with Teen vogue. She said of it, “Let’s just get the elephant out of the room…My eating disorder is something I’ve been struggling with for a while. People will make up stories, but I went to rehab for an eating disorder—nothing more and nothing less.”

She was referencing rumors, speculation and tabloid stories that alleged she was in rehab for alcohol and/or drugs. She went on to say, “Making my last record, Warrior, was a pretty miserable process, and it wore my spirit down. I was fighting like hell to keep my whole irreverent essence and everything raw and visceral that I stand for in it, but in the end I was promoting something that wasn’t the animal I wanted it to be. I decided to face my problem head-on.”

Kesha went on to speak of how difficult the process was for her, saying, “The decision to take control of it is the scariest thing I’ve ever done. And this is coming from someone who dives with sharks and jumps out of airplanes for fun.”

She eflected upon her ordeal, as she continued, “To have a breakthrough you have to have a breakdown, and I definitely went through both of those — in hindsight, it saved my life.”

She also addressed what we all know is the other elephant in the room, namely the scrutiny she faced as a woman in the entertainment biz where all too many people think that criticizing a woman’s size and shape is some kind of sport. She said of it, “Things got worse because I’m in an industry where people photograph your body and zoom in and blow it up and put it on the cover of magazines, and other people make terrible comments.”

She went on to add, “It really messed with my head, and I realized I couldn’t do it by myself.”

Noting that her “whole message is to love who you are and accept all your beautiful imperfections” she revealed that she had reached a point in which she was unable to do that. She said, “When I felt I was slipping into unloving territory with myself, I knew I had to listen to my own advice and correct it.”

She went on to say, “I have a public persona where I need to be fun all the time, and I refuse to be a hypocrite…I felt I needed to get help, not only for myself but also for my fans. My worst fear in life is to be fake.”

She also revealed that she had written 14 songs while she was in rehab, using a toy Casio keyboard. She said, “The whole process has made me so much stronger and ready to take my life by the horns and make a record that I’m going to be proud of and not care what anybody else thinks!”

It’s a powerful and brave message, and Kesha who has always had such a fearless public persona is now in a position to help others who may be struggling with eating disorders and be fearful of reaching out for help. But help is available, and there’s no shame or stigma in finding such help.

You can see more of the interview and the Kesha’s Teen Vogue cover photo here. Watch the onscreen interview and behind-the-scenes video below.

Pictures: PR Photos


Ehrinn Cummings Elena Lyons Elisabeth Röhm

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