Thursday, July 24, 2014

Does SCOTUS want to end public employee unions?

“In the end, it may not happen, but the demise of public employee unionism was at least on the table for lively discussion in a Supreme Court argument Tuesday morning. The case of Harris v. Quinn would only spell doom for government workers’ collective action, it appeared, if Justice Antonin Scalia could be persuaded to join in doing it in; there just might be enough other votes.” Thats the report from SCOTUSblog on the argument this morning in a case that was supposed to be about home-care workers but has morphed into a dialogue about labor unions.  “[T]he atmospherics of Tuesday’s argument suggested strongly that this case has very large potential. The mood of the Court’s more liberal members was one of obvious trepidation, and that of its more conservative members — except for Justice Scalia — was of apparent eagerness to reach anew the core constitutionality of compulsory union support among public workers,” blogger Lyle Denniston continued.


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