Sunday, January 26, 2014

The lawyer crisis from the other side

I wrote recently about the great chasm between lawyer supply and demand for legal services. I suggested that this is an age-old problem only because many lawyers are courting a very small market segment, the large companies of the world. The bulk of the consuming public has less ability to pay but still great need. And the Bar hasn't yet figured out how to incentivize lawyers to serve this need.

But perhaps the real issue is not so much the supply, but rather the lack of service provided by lawyers. The following several instances were reported to me from one who had repeated unpleasant interactions with lawyers. It's a shame that she had more than one such experience, but most people can identify with what happened to her.

"When we needed an immigration attorney," she says, "only one returned our calls of inquiry from the several my husband called locally. When we were looking for a lawyer for wills and other family matters recently, only one was interested in the bread and butter stuff we needed addressed." She continues by making the further observation, "Instead of using a lawyer, we used a 'non-lawyer' for our house sale; she was very efficient."  She concludes that "... as consumers, we see the 'lawyer' crisis differently!."

Lawyers get a bad rap deservedly in too many instances!


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