Saturday, January 26, 2013

MTV Movie Brawl Finals: Show Your Support On Twitter And Facebook

This is it. We mean it this time. We have reached the finals of MTV's ultimate competition to determine the most anticipated movie of 2013.

It comes down to two of YA's most popular series, "The Hunger Games" and "The Mortal Instruments." In terms of the Movie Brawl, "Catching Fire" is the returning combatant looking for revenge after a bitter defeat last year, and "City of Bones" is the young hot shot out to prove itself in the film world.

Considering how close the last round was, you'll want to start voting early and often for the finals, which you can do by clicking the image above. Also, to help gain support for your movie, click past the jump to find cover photos for Facebook and Twitter to spread the word!

(Click to download the full-size versions!)


Cindy Taylor Cinthia Moura Claudette Ortiz Coco Lee Connie Nielsen

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