Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Barbara Walters Hospitalized

Barbara Walters was hospitalized yesterday after taking a nasty spill that left her with a serious cut on her forward. It may not sound that serious but wait tell you see just how the famous journalist hurt herself.

Photo Credit: PR Photos

US Weekly is reporting that Walters is recovering nicely at the hospital from a fall she suffered at the home of the British Ambassador’s residence. While at his home on Saturday night she fell on a stair and even though she cut her head, she appears to be doing just fine. ABC News senior vice president, Jeffrey W. Schneider, released the below statement regarding the condition of Barbara.

“Out of an abundance of caution, she went to the hospital to have her cut tended to, have a full examination and remains there for observation. Barbara is alert (and telling everyone what to do), which we all take as a very positive sign.”

83-year old Barbara is spending the weekend in Washington D.C. to cover all the Inauguration events. However it is being reported that because of her injury it looks like she will not be contributing to any of ABC’s reports tomorrow. Despite that fact that the fall she sustained was not serious, she is still being kept for observation and needs to remain in the hospital. At her age any fall could be serious and I would assume that the doctors are just taking precautions. Plus if you recall given her heart issues, she had surgery in 2010 to replace a faulty heart valvue, you can never be too cautious.

Despite falling on a step and cutting her forehead Barbara Walters being hospitalized seems like nothing more than a precaution. She will certainly be missed at Barack Obama’s second Inauguration tomorrow but her health is way more important. Here is hoping that Babs makes a fast and speedy recovery. For those of you hoping to hear what went down in her own words be sure to tune in to The View this week, perhaps even Tuesday if she is back then, because I am sure Walters will give everyone the low down on it.


Izabella Scorupco Jaime King Jaime Pressly

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