Monday, December 2, 2013

Guest post: Lawyers on the move

Nicole Black is an attorney in Rochester, New York, is the Director of Business Development at MyCase, a web-based law practice management platform, and is the ABA-published author of “Cloud Computing for Lawyers” and the co-author of “Social Media for Lawyers.”


There’s no doubt about it--21st century lawyers are on the move and are embracing mobile devices more than ever.  In fact, according to the ABA’s 2013 Legal Technology Survey Report, the vast majority of lawyers have now gone mobile, in one form or another.


Not surprisingly, smart phones lead the way, with 91 percent of lawyers reporting that they used smartphones in their law practices, up from 89 percent 2012.  Tablet use also increased at an impressive rate, with nearly half of all lawyers surveyed reporting that they used tablets in their law practices.  According to the survey results, 48 percent of lawyers now use tablets, up from 33 percent in 2012.


The reason lawyers are going mobile?  Because it offers them flexibility and the ability to practice law and manage their law firms no matter where they happen to be.  So, whether it’s using a tablet to pull up a case in court or accessing client files using their smart phone while on vacation, mobile computing is making it easier than ever for lawyers to practice law on the go, 24/7.


But is this necessarily a good thing?  Especially with the recent release of Google Glass and the expected release of smart watches, which offer the prospect of virtually erasing the barriers created by devices and making people the new interface, as described in this recent GigaOM blog post: “Today many of these automatic interactions are dependent on a user’s mobile device, but we will be able to remove even that degree of separation between the individual and their home in the future.  Through a combination of machine learning and a growing ecosystem of sensors placed within every day objects, we envision an interface that truly feels natural and intuitive to users no matter their level of technology literacy.”


It’s an interesting concept, but is it a healthy one--especially for lawyers, a group that has one of the highest rates of depression, substance abuse and suicide in the United States?  Does 24/7 connectivity make sense for the mental health of most lawyers?


Clearly, for lawyers, the next stage of mobile technologies may present difficulties not previously experienced.  And for many lawyers, it will be a delicate balance of meeting client expectations of constant availability while maintaining their sanity.  In order to maintain this balance, lawyers will need to carefully choose new technologies for use in their practices with the end goal of reducing, not increasing, the non-stop barrage of information.


For example, one of the best ways  to do this is to empower your clients by expanding their access to information, making it easy for them to obtain the information that they need about their case, no matter when they need it.  In other words, by using tools such as online client portals that are accessible using any Internet-enabled device, you can ensure that your clients can get the information that they are seeking without having to contact you.


Like it or not, the world is changing and lawyers--and their clients--are more mobile than ever.  And while this newfound mobility offers an array of benefits, it also creates new problems.  Fortunately, selective use of emerging and mobile technologies can help to curb the influx of data and reduce the noise, making it easier than ever for lawyers to reap the benefits of a mobile law practice while simultaneously maintaining their sanity.



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