Friday, April 19, 2013

Wanna Be Saul? (Update: Punk'd)

Rarely is there an opportunity to understand the sensibility that distinguishes what a marketer sees from what a lawyer sees, but courtesy of Gyi Tsakalakis at The Puddle, it's hard to miss.

Lawyers are always asking. “who has the best law firm website?” And I always answer, “that’s easy, Saul Goodman.”

But what makes attorney Goodman’s website the best?

Wait for it...wait for it...

To the experienced legal web designer’s eye, the effectiveness of Saul’s site is immediately apparent from the home page.

Anyone familiar with Plutchik’s wheel of emotions will immediately recognize the intentional use oranges (vigilance), yellows (ecstasy) and reds (rage).


How much would you pay a legal marketer, a website designer, any vulture who tries to make a living off the desperation of lawyers, for a website like this?  A thousand dollars? A million dollars? Absolutely nothing?

If this is what Saul is shooting for, to be a clown on the interwebz, to get the thousand phone calls that the rest of us would pay money not to get, the tire-kickers, the pro bono seekers, the I'm-innocent-so-why-do-I-have-to-pay? crew, the clients that ten lawyers sent packing who need an attorney with "courage"?

If you want the phone to ring off the hook, then this website is the one for you.  No, you won't become fabulously rich and famous. In fact, chances are pretty good that if the come-on does its job, you will never get off the phone, spending your days (and nights, because they love to call at night when it's convenient for them) fielding free answers and the tin-foil hat wearers who want to sue the CIA for shooting gamma rays their way.

And if this is how Saul Goodman wants to run his law practice, so be it. Best of luck, Saul.

It's nothing I would do. Ever. But then, Gyi not only likes this, but likes it so much that he holds Saul's website out as the best there is.  And unlike me, Gyi is a legal marketer.

As Turk said long ago, when you outsource your marketing, you outsource your ethics.  A corollary is that you outsource your sensibilities as well.  As a curmudgeon, I maintain a view that lawyers, as member of a learned profession, do better to maintain a level of dignity.  We do not sell ourselves like laundry detergent.  Unlike Saul, offering two-fer misdemeanor defenses isn't the way I choose to conduct my practice.

But it's not just the website. As Gyi notes, Saul also does TV ads to grab potential clients by the throat.

Classy, but as Gyi notes, "real lawyers know these just work," provided by "work" he means attracts eyeballs and ridicule.

So is this what you want to pay a marketer to do for you?

Does your law firm website suck? Better call Saul.

Was this what you dreamed about when you went to law school?

Update: As I've now been informed by every person under 40 who reads SJ, Saul Goodman isn't a real lawyer, but a character on some television show called Breaking Bad, and I just didn't know it. I've been punk'd.

Well played, Gyi. Well played.

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