Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Mommy, Why Is That Lady Naked?

nude naked

When you’re naked, you are extremely vulnerable.  Clearly you’re even more vulnerable when you are in the shower.  A Houston woman was in just such a position when she heard a sound. Uh-oh. Per

“I was showering and I heard banging and it sounded like construction being done on the house,” she explained. “I seen a guy punching with a glove and another guy was kicking at the same time. Immediately I knew what they were gonna do and my first reaction was find safety.”

What she didn’t manage to find was a towel or clothing of any kind. She did locate her keys and cell phone and slithered naked to the garage.


“I let the garage up and started the car,” she recalled. ” I prayed and was like Lord please just let me get out safely.”

With that, she kicked it in reverse and somehow left her house unseen and unheard.

“Right after I got my first goal done I had a second goal and the second goal was to catch them,” she said.

So instead of driving as far from the house as she could, she called 9-1-1 and drove back around.

Gonna get you, suckas.

“I came back and got their license plate,” she said. “I had a full description of the car before I left but I came back a second time just to see and the third time around I saw all four of them walking out of my house.”

By the time a deputy constable arrived, the burglars were gone. The woman spotted some spare clothes in her car and put them on.

Who keeps spare clothes in their car? Anyway …

With a good description of the car, constables have tracked down the 17-year-old female owner and are questioning her. They believe all the suspects are teens who skipped school to commit the crime.

Think she’ll give up the other perps? Click here for the source.




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