Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Quinn named to VSB council

Vienna’s Dennis J. Quinn, a past president of the Virginia Association of Defense Attorneys, will fill an unexpired Fairfax County vacancy on the Virginia State Bar council, VSB executive director Karen Gould announced Monday.

Quinn was the only person who filed a candidate petition by the advertised Friday deadline, Gould said. With only the one petition, no election is necessary, she said.

Quinn’s practice focuses on representing lawyers in legal malpractice claims and bar complaints, he said in a qualification statement. He has served on a payee notification task force and currently serves on the faculty of the VSB’s mandatory professionalism course for new attorneys.

Quinn will serve out the unexpired 19th Circuit term of Elizabeth S. Finberg, who recently stepped down from the bar council. A former litigator, Finberg now is assistant general counsel for the Public Interest Registry in Reston.

With more lawyers than any other circuit, Fairfax has 14 seats on the VSB council.


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