Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Navy vets scammer identified, authorities say

The Navy veterans charity scammer will be unmasked by authorities this morning.

“Bobby Thompson,” as he called himself, raised money in the name of veterans, donated some of it to politicians in Virginia, and won relaxed charity regulations from the General Assembly.

Thompson disappeared when his scam was exposed but was arrested in Oregon after a nationwide manhunt. The [Cleveland] Plain Dealer reports federal officials have scheduled a news conference today to reveal Thompson’s true identity.

Prosecutors had sought Thompson’s DNA through court proceedings.

Thompson’s Florida-based organization collected at least $2 million from Virginia residents and donated $55,500 to the campaign of Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli. After Thompson’s scam was discovered, the General Assembly repealed a change limiting oversight of charity fundraising. Cuccinelli donated the Thompson contribution to veterans’ groups.

[Hat tip to The Roanoke Times]

Source: http://valawyersweekly.com/vlwblog/2012/10/01/navy-vets-scammer-identified-authorities-say/

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